משחקי חברה

אפשרויות סינון:

ערב בלאגן

ערב כייפי ומגבש

גילאים: 10-1724813 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

פעולת פתיחה

מטרה- הכרות של החניכים עם עצמם ועם הצוות.

גילאים: 10-1630809 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

Sniff 5-6 Graders – Tfillah

goal- we’re going to try and get across 2 things... (1) That davening is split into shevach/bakasha/hodaya and (2) appreciation for why we dont talk during tfilla, daven in groups etc...

גילאים: 9-125324 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

Slavery Today


1. Slavery in Egypt

2. What is true slavery and freedom?

3. The impact slavery in Egypt continues to have on us.

Topic: End of Breishit/Beginning of Shmot - Slavery

גילאים: 6-147612 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

Achdut Am Israel

The Goal: understanding that Am Israel need to stay united and this is   the key for its power. Every individual is unique and special, and has a lot to contribute to the collective. Every individual is important ant crucial for the success of Am Israel.

גילאים: 6-99418 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

I Care!!!

The goal:

Each day we find people that don’t care enough about things around them.

Your Chanichim will understand, that we have to learn to take care about the people around us, and to think about them sometimes, like we want them to think about us. If we want a healthy and good society, we have to work on our Midot! .

We need to pay attention not only for our self’s, and family. We need to pay attention also for people that we don’t know, and to take care for them, too.

The Chanichim will understand, that to take care isn’t only in the big things, it is also in the little things, during the day, and we need to get use to this idea….

גילאים: 8-115139 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

Israel’s Ideal Government

Goals: Discuss the advantages of Democracy, Monarchy, and other governments. Which is ideal? Why is Israel a Democracy?

גילאים: 9-125172 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה


The goal:

The main communication between two people- is Hakshava- listening.

During the day, when every-one runs from one place to another, when we feel we have to do a-lot of things, we don’t listening. We are hearing, but we aren’t listening. Not to ourselves, and more then that, not to the others.

We hope, that this Peula, will open a little-bit the understanding of the Chanichim to listen more to each other, and it will bring our little neighborhood, and area, to be more patient, to hear, and to listen to the others.

גילאים: 6-1810520 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

Matan Torah


The chanichim will understand that a group is much more powerful than an individual when to establish change in the world.

The chanichim will understand that a group that wants to promote an idea needs rules.

גילאים: 10-154549 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

Liars Club

Goal: the chanich will understand that lying is not a way to solve problems 

גילאים: 8-113974 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

What Would You Do?

Goal: This week the theme is personal values.  Why do you do what you do?  Every day, all of us have to make lots of little choices. We hope that they live up to what we think our values, but we all know that it doesn’t always happen the way we want it to.

Anyway, enough with the serious stuff.  This game can be adapted to suit all ages and all attention spans.

גילאים: 6-144264 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה


Goal:  The chanichim should understand the role that the Jewish community plays in fighting assimilation. They should understand which aspects of it are most important and why. They should also see how serious the problem of assimilation is and determine ways we can fight it.

גילאים: 13-148890 צפיותView Detailsפתיחה

קישורים מומלצים

צופים ברשת
צופים ברשת
האתר כולל מידע על הצופים, פעילויות לטיולים, מגוון פעולות, רעיונות לצ'ופרים, תמונות מהצופים ועוד.
השומר הצעיר
השומר הצעיר
אתר כולל פעולות, תמונות, עדכונים, פרשת שבועת ועוד
תנועת ביתר- מתודות לדיון
תנועת ביתר- מתודות לדיון
כ- 20 רעיונות ליצירת דיון והתחלת הכרות בין החניכים