
Omer Aleph And Bet

Aleph Aims

Bet Aims

      To learn about the Omer, and more specifically Lag Ba’omer

      To learn about the life, times and teachings of Rabbi Akiva

       To learn about Lag ba’omer in connection with Rabbi Akiva

       To understand some ideas as to why BA is named after Rabbi Akiva

Alter: 9-1411919 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Alter: 16-224688 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

G.23. Story Chain

This game can be used very effectively for creating a particular mood within the group, as preparation for an activity.

Alter: 10-181969 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


Empfohlene Links

many activities for shabbat-games, summary for this week's Parshat Shavua and coloring pages for Shabbat & Parshat Shavua.