- 1 September, 1935 (3 Elul, 5695): Rav Kook Yahrzeit
- 4 September, 1953 (24 Elul, 5713): Rav Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel-yertziet
- 15 September, 1914 (24 Elul, 5674): yertziet of David Wolffsohn
- 20 September, 1944 (3 Tishrei, 5705): Jewish Brigade-established
- 23 September, 136 (10 Tishrei, 3897): R Akiva Yertzeit
- 27 September, 2007 (15 Tishrei, 5768): Rav Avraham Shapira
Alter: 10-50 | 4402 Ansichten | Aussicht |
What Is To Have An Identity?
a) Que es tener una identidad
b) Esteriotipo de judios
c) Lo especial del judaismo a traves de identidad judia, nacional, universal y espiritual
Alter: 5-25 | 2376 Ansichten | Aussicht |
The Power Of Speech
Aleph:1. To learn about Lashon Hara
2. To understand that speech is precious
Bet: 1. To understand the power that speech holds
2. To learn about the dangers of Lashon Hara
Alter: 6-13 | 3285 Ansichten | Aussicht |
Alter: 5-20 | 2895 Ansichten | Aussicht |
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pics from the Sigd
pics from the Sigd
AMIT enables Israel's youth to realize their potential and strengthens Israeli society by educating and nurturing children from diverse backgrounds within a framework of academic excellence, religious values and Zionist ideals. The site has many activities and games which help educate the children.
AMIT enables Israel's youth to realize their potential and strengthens Israeli society by educating and nurturing children from diverse backgrounds within a framework of academic excellence, religious values and Zionist ideals. The site has many activities and games which help educate the children.
the cyber home of Torah-Sukkot
2 short film on the Arba Minim
2 short film on the Arba Minim