
A Land Of Honey & Milk?

מטרה- שהחניך יבין מדוע א"י היא ארץ זבת חלב ודבש והייחוד בשבעת המינים.

Alter: 6-129582 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Alter: 10-182140 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Shimshon - The Early Years

Goal: The chanichim will discuss how Shimshon is an extremely strange Shofet, and how this was all on purpose; that Am Israel needed an undercover Shofet who could work undercover, living amongst the Pelishtim, to fight them single handedly on behalf on Am Israel. The chanichim will discuss why Shimshon needed to be a Nazir to offset the dangers of this mission and will discuss the story of his birth and the characters of his mother and father- Manoach and Eshet Manoach.

Alter: 13-184517 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

7th Of Adar- Moshe Rabbenu

Goal: We can learn a lot form Moshe Rabbenu, even by looking at the stories that we all know and remember from when we were young.

Alter: 9-1211209 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

The Rise Of Rome In Israel And Churban Bayit ...

Objective: This is a period of time so super infused with Jewish history that it is hard to find a main focal point. Unfortunately the chanichim are not going to want to sit through a three hour lecture about the rise of Christianity, the beautification of the Bayt HaMikdash and other important issues. Instead, we will focus our energy elsewhere. The reason behind the destruction of the Bayt Hamikdash- sinat chinam

Alter: 6-145437 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


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