
Tu Bishvat & Rosh-pinna

that the Chanichim will understand how deep is the connection between Am-Yisrael and Erets-Yisrael and how trees are helping to that connection and making it stronger. The city that we are going to talk about called Rosh- Pinna one of the best examples for people who got connected to their land through trees.

Alter: 10-123701 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Activity For Yom Yerushalaim

The goals

The Chanichim will get more knowledge about

Jerusalem, as places, people

The Chanichim will understand the importance of the KOTEL (the last part of our temple) they will understand that this is the place that we feel closer to G-d

The Chanichim will understand the importance of 

Jerusalem and it  spiritual specialty.

 The Chanichim will understand what the special day for

Jerusalem mean.

Alter: 9-1214511 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Red Fish, Blue Fish, One Fish, Two Fish: We N...

To teach the kids that we are all unique and special individuals and we should embrace our own individuality

Alter: 8-132185 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


Empfohlene Links

WEJEW- Jewish Movies
WEJEW- Jewish Movies
Movies about the the jewish history, israel etc.
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
The Jewish Agency history since 1948
Bar & Bat Mitzvah children are building a jewish world
You have reached the age of 12/13 and you are planning your Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Interact with Israeli friends your age, who will be your twin group! Learn an exciting and interactive educational program and for the first time – the program includes an unprecedented trip to Israel and an Oath to Jerusalem at the Western Wall!