1 March, 1806 (11 Adar, 5566): Chaim Joseph David Azulai-yertziet
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Tel Hai
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Joseph Trumpeldor
4 March, 1987 (3 Adar, 5747): Jonathan Pollard-court case
5 March, 1946 (11 Adar, 5706): Birya affair
6 March, 1929 (24 Adar, 5689): Bnei Akiva was established by Yechiel Eliash in Jerusalem
9 March, 1895 (13 Adar, 5655): Moshe Feinstein-yertziet
9 March, 1982 (14 Adar, 5742): Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook-yertziet
10 March, 1998 (12 Adar, 5758): Rav Hayim David HaLevi-yertziet
10 March, 1949 (9 Adar, 5709): Flying of the ink flag
11 March, 1787 (21 Adar, 5547): Elimelech of Lizhensk-yertziet
22 March, 1885 (6 Nissan, 5745): Aryeh Levin-born
26 March, 1978 (27 Adar, 5739): The Israel-Egypt peace treaty was signed

Alter: 10-18 | 2213 Ansichten | ![]() |

Intro To Bnei Akiva
Goals: Introduce the chanichim to Bnei Akiva –what the tnua is, what it stands for, etc. Through a combination of different kinds of games, we will acquaint the chanichim with various important aspects of Bnei Akiva, which will help them understand more of what we’re all about and help them to become better chaverim in our tnua. There are many peulot here, so it is possible to pick and choose which will be best, or even cover this material in two weeks.
Alter: 6-12 | 5944 Ansichten | ![]() |

The Religious Chalutz
To define the religious chalutz by:
1. placing him into the context of the groups present in pre-State Israel and
2. presenting the balance of being religious and building the Land, which the religious chalutzim maintained.
Alter: 14-17 | 2932 Ansichten | ![]() |

Chanukah Story
מצגת המספרת את סיפור חנוכה בקיצור עם תמונות
Alter: 5-8 | 19151 Ansichten | ![]() |
Empfohlene Links
Jafi- Hatikva
How to sing & play the "Hatikva" the Israeli anthum, and what is the history behind it
How to sing & play the "Hatikva" the Israeli anthum, and what is the history behind it