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Bnei Rabbi Akiva

To discuss why our tnua is named after Rabbi Akiva, to review the meaning

behind Bnei Akiva rites and rituals.

Ages: 9-139179 viewsView DetailsView

Rabbeinu Gershom

Teach about the Takanot of Rabbeinu Gershom

Ages: 6-137520 viewsView DetailsView
Play / skit

Wizard Of Oz 3-27

To teach the chanachim about the importance of Judaism and Eretz Yisrael and how this structures our lives.

Ages: 8-188669 viewsView DetailsView

Rambam - Rishonim

Teach about the life and works of Rambam; his 13 Ikarim

Ages: 9-116848 viewsView DetailsView

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Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
סרט לזיכרו של רחבעם זאבי
Orot-Harav Kook
Orot-Harav Kook
The book- Orot in English