Jewish Holidays

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The Tshuva Process

The chanich will pass the process of Tshova- The 5 steps.

Ages: 10-145319 viewsView DetailsView

2bshvat & Rosh-pinna…

GOAL: So… the goal is that the Chanichim will understand how deep is the connection between Am-Yisrael and Eretz-Yisrael and how trees are helping that connection and making it stronger. The city that we are going to talk about is called Rosh-Pinna- One of the best examples for people who got connected to their land through trees.

Ages: 6-1213698 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 8-137103 viewsView DetailsView

The First Peula – Ba Toronto

The chanichim will have fun ,meet the group and the madrichThe chanich will come again to the next activity.The chanich will get gain information about rosh hashana.

Ages: 10-154645 viewsView DetailsView

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