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Colorful Transparencies For Chanukah

Colorful transparencies

Instruction for the advisors

Ages: 6-1410288 viewsView DetailsView

How To Start Shuk-purim???

How to start Shuk-Purim???

* First of all, don’t panic!

Ages: 7-177666 viewsView DetailsView

Ideas For Purim Carnival

Running a Purim Carnival can be a great way to bring the fun—and some of the facts—about Purim home to the kids in your community.

Ages: 6-3020079 viewsView DetailsView

Shabbat Ve Nahafochu Ideas

Here are a few ideas that can make your Shabbat special. You can choose to do them all or just take a few that look like they would be good in your snif.

Ages: 7-179909 viewsView DetailsView
Play / skit

Short Purim Plays

9 ideas for plays on Purim

Ages: 10-2017757 viewsView DetailsView

Treasure Hunt

find all the things of the list

Ages: 8-154309 viewsView DetailsView

Wall Decoration For Purim

How to make a wall decoration for Purim

Ages: 15-1009871 viewsView DetailsView

"al Chomotaich Ir David"

בניית ירושלים ע"י חומרים יומיומיים

Ages: 6-1519808 viewsView DetailsView


לוח שנה מאורגן ומסודר להדפסה שנת תשס"ח

Ages: 1-10010965 viewsView DetailsView

Chanukah Recipes

סופגניות, מילוי לסופגניות, ציפוי לסופגניות, גלזורות לדונאטס, עוגיות, ממתקים, לביבות.

Ages: 15-1009331 viewsView DetailsView

Dounghnut Recipes

מתכון בציורים להכנת סופגניות, מתאים ללימוד עברית

Ages: 6-1410311 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Language Guide
Language Guide
A website who helps you to learn the language you need. The languages are- Heb, Eng, Spanish, Italian, French, German etc
Crafts for kids
Crafts for kids
Crafts for every day during the year that you can make at home