Bein Adam l'Chavero
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Nosei Hashavua: The Importance Of A Kevutzah
to teach the chanachim the importance of kvutza and working as a team.
Ages: 8-13 | 3912 views | View |
Goal: The chanichim will understand that there are levels of giving charity. In addition, they will understand that giving charity is meant not only to help the poor man, but to make us into better and giving people. Finally, The chanichim will internalize that according to Judaism although people have private property, essentially all of their money belongs to God. There are many laws that demonstrate this idea, asking each Jew to give of their own to the weak.
Ages: 13-16 | 7168 views | View |
All For One And One For All the sentence “all for one, one for all “
יהי כבוד חברך חביב עליך כשלך" " the Bnei Akiva semel puzzle.
Ages: 7-12 | 10039 views | View |
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This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games
This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games
kef kef kef
This website has been created to enable youth groups from around the world to have a central place in which to store, collect and share games. The goal of the games is to unify the children. Examles for games; beat it, samurai, concentration and more.
This website has been created to enable youth groups from around the world to have a central place in which to store, collect and share games. The goal of the games is to unify the children. Examles for games; beat it, samurai, concentration and more.
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.