Bein Adam l'Chavero

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Home Improvement

Goal:  To determine our responsibilities regarding the distribution of tzedaka in terms of Jew vs. non-Jew, causes in

Israel vs. causes in the

United States, individual aniyim vs. charitable organizations, etc.; to evaluate the types of causes we would support first in the case of limited funds

Ages: 6-143397 viewsView DetailsView

G. 42. Orchestra

Working together to the best of one's ability and accepting leadership is like making music. This game is a great outlet for energy and enhances the dynamics of working together.

Ages: 10-183133 viewsView DetailsView

Matan Torah


The chanichim will understand that a group is much more powerful than an individual when to establish change in the world.

The chanichim will understand that a group that wants to promote an idea needs rules.

Ages: 10-154540 viewsView DetailsView

The Rise Of Rome In Israel And Churban Bayit ...

Objective: This is a period of time so super infused with Jewish history that it is hard to find a main focal point. Unfortunately the chanichim are not going to want to sit through a three hour lecture about the rise of Christianity, the beautification of the Bayt HaMikdash and other important issues. Instead, we will focus our energy elsewhere. The reason behind the destruction of the Bayt Hamikdash- sinat chinam

Ages: 6-145435 viewsView DetailsView

Social Action - What Makes A Good Jew?

To encourage members of Chevraya Bet to think about how they can get involved in tikkun olam b’malchut Sh-dai.

Ages: 6-153897 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

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kef kef kef
This website has been created to enable youth groups from around the world to have a central place in which to store, collect and share games. The goal of the games is to unify the children. Examles for games; beat it, samurai, concentration and more.
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games