Between Man and Himself

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Everyone Is Special

ok guys, here it is!!!!!!  This week we'll be doing something really cool about respecting other people who are different from ourselves (but of course, the catch is.... we're all different, but we'll get to that later).

Ages: 7-105369 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 6-207975 viewsView DetailsView

The Right Perspective

Goals: The chanichim will understand the importance of seeing the good side in Am Yisrael, and put the other's faults into the right perspective.

Ages: 14-164885 viewsView DetailsView

Kiddush Hashem- 3 Cardinal Sins

Goals: Teach about Shfichut Damim, Gilui Arayot and Avodah Zara, the three cardinal sins. Discuss why, even though life is so sacred, we are obligated to die instead of committing them.

Ages: 10-1611009 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Yoni Netanyahu
Yoni Netanyahu
the official site for Yoni Netanyahu
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
Leadel- Jewish Leadership
videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.