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Ladders To Israel

To teach the chanachim about Parshat Vayetze and Yaakov's dream and also about the land of Israel through an interactive quiz.

Ages: 8-108515 viewsView DetailsView

Important Jews & Leadership

Who is a leader?

Each one of the characters lead something else, a leader is one who influence people, even if it’s in music

Ages: 14-163958 viewsView DetailsView

9th Grade Peulah For Niagra Falls Tiyul

To compare this situation with Herzl’s Uganda Program and to invoke thoughts and discussion on why the two attempts at making a Jewish State outside of Israel did not work and also to teach history while creating a greater understanding of the importance of Israel to us as a people.

Ages: 13-159725 viewsView DetailsView

Influencial People For Israel

To teach the chanichim as much as possible about the people who influenced the state of


Ages: 6-135440 viewsView DetailsView


Goals: Teach about the life and works of Rambam; his 13 Ikarim


Ages: 7-147862 viewsView DetailsView

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Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
סרט לזיכרו של רחבעם זאבי
Orot-Harav Kook
Orot-Harav Kook
The book- Orot in English