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Opening Activity For Jerusalem Day

The Chanichim will get more knowledge about


The Chanichim will understand the importance of the KOTEL as a holly place for the Jews.

 The Chanichim will understand the importance of 

Jerusalem and it  spiritual specialty.

 The Chanichim will understand what the special day for

Jerusalem mean.

Ages: 13-148999 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-185532 viewsView DetailsView

Happy Birthday Knesset Ppt

11 Slides with pics about establishing the Knesset

Ages: 6-129645 viewsView DetailsView

Hamedina- Tzahal- Idf

Goals: Review some of the basic parts of the Israeli Army; Stress the impact that Tzahal has on every Jew.


1.      Games: Relate to the Army

Story: “Battletime Bar Mitzvah” – how the army affects the citizens of


Ages: 10-184461 viewsView DetailsView

Where Should We Live?

The aim is  the Chanichim will realize that there are many different ways of settlement in Israel Today.  The chanichim will see the ideology behind each type of place.The chanichim will understand that as Bnei Akivaniks we believe that the decisionon were to live is an ideological decision.

Ages: 14-163067 viewsView DetailsView

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