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Kibbutz Tirat Tzvi

The idea this week is to teach the kids something about Kibbutz Tirat Tzvi. 

Ages: 6-105068 viewsView DetailsView

The Ghetto- Story & Dillemas

1. You will be able to explain the role played by the ghetto in the scheme of Hitler's Final Solution.

2. You will be able to describe life and death in the ghetto.

Ages: 15-208592 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-184901 viewsView DetailsView

Massada And The Bar Kochba Revolt

To learn about the Bar Kochba Revolt which was a last attempt to liberate

Jerusalem from the Romans after the destruction of the Bayt HaMikdash. To discuss if the mass suicide at Massada was justified. Please note, Massada is not in

Jerusalem, but rather the

Negev. It is slightly off topic, but still a very important part of our story.

Ages: 8-1413045 viewsView DetailsView

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Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
The Jewish Agency history since 1948
JR- Jewish - Holocaust
166 links to learn about the Holocaust. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Diffrent quiz about Israel
WEJEW- Jewish Movies
WEJEW- Jewish Movies
Movies about the the jewish history, israel etc.
Yoni Netanyahu
Yoni Netanyahu
the official site for Yoni Netanyahu
Kever Rachel Imeinu
Kever Rachel Imeinu
Pics, information, etc about Rachel Imeinu on the official site of Kever Rachel.
Jafi- Hatikva
Jafi- Hatikva
How to sing & play the "Hatikva" the Israeli anthum, and what is the history behind it
The History of the Jewish People
The History of the Jewish People
dates & general information about jewish history