The Israeli-Arab Conflict

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Ages: 10-10010061 viewsView DetailsView

Color Red- Sderot

What is for you the "color red"?

for the people in Sderot it means 10 sec to find cover!!!!

Ages: 10-1007020 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 12-188310 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 15-203570 viewsView DetailsView
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News Headlines - Terror

Teach everyone about headlines in news re israel

Ages: 6-204114 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 15-203415 viewsView DetailsView

Terrorist Attack In Merkaz Harav- Eng

Pictures & background about Yeshivat Mercaz Harav & the terrorist attack

Ages: 15-1004025 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Hamas Children
Hamas Children
A Movie from YouTube about the Hamas Children
Israel's actions in Gaza is an act of self-defence
Israel's actions in Gaza is an act of self-defence
A lawyer explains why Israel has the right to defense herself
Operation against Hamas, in Gaza
Operation against Hamas, in Gaza
Allkinds of links about the operation, Humanitarian issues, Hamas, methods and information, Israeli victims.