Missing in Action

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“when The Shark And The Fish First Met” - Gil...

A Peula about Gilad Shalit and his book

Ages: 6-1210671 viewsView DetailsView

4 Expressions Of Geula

סרט בן 10 דקות על 4 לשונות גאולה, אותם פעלים שמלווים אותנו לאורך ההיסטוריה.

Ages: 6-1211034 viewsView DetailsView
Source Sheet
Ages: 15-1007227 viewsView DetailsView



The chanichim will understand the dilemma that the government is faced when a soldier is kidnapped, and feel connected to the difficulty and pain on a personal level.

The chanichim will become familiar with the stories of the major MIAs.

Ages: 12-208270 viewsView DetailsView

Mia Missing In Action

Goal: that the Chanichim will understand that we must try to acknowledge and be aware not only to “myself” but also to the difficulties and needs of our surroundings and the whole of Am Yisrael, and care for them.

Ages: 6-145909 viewsView DetailsView

Mia- Our Soldiers

A PPT about the MIA with pics of each one of them

Ages: 10-1005507 viewsView DetailsView

Pidyon Shevuyim

To present the current shevuyim crisis and then show the discussion on pidyon shevuyim in Jewish sources.

Ages: 14-994182 viewsView DetailsView

Pidyon Shvuyim

The Peula is about the dilemma of negotiating with terrorists.

Ages: 14-183815 viewsView DetailsView

Prayer For The Safe Return Of Israel's Pows A...

Prayer for the missing Israeli soldiers

Ages: 7-187841 viewsView DetailsView

Redeeming Captives


1. To learn about the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim

2. To think about the 8 Israeli MIAs

3. To consider what we can do to help the MIAs and fulfill the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim

Ages: 10-148435 viewsView DetailsView

Redeeming Captives

1. To learn about the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim

2. To think about the 8 Israeli MIAs

3. To consider what we can do to help the MIAs and fulfill the mitzvah of Pidyon Shevuyim

Ages: 4-108280 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Banim - Israeli MIA
Banim - Israeli MIA
info about the Israeli MIA
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
ICMIS is launching an international campaign to gather at least 1,000,000 signatures on an Internet petition in support of Israel's kidnapped and missing soldiers and their families.
ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
ICMIS-The International Coalition for MIS
The Israeli MIAs website, with all 8 MIAs and chronology note- the website has not been updated since July 2005.
Jonathan Pollard
A site about The Israeli Agent Jonathan Pollard