Am Yisrael

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Shimshon Hashofet

Goal: Teach about the life of Shimshon: being a Nazir, his battles with the Pelishtim

Ages: 6-124158 viewsView DetailsView

Love Story...or Is It?

To teach the chanachim about the problems of mixed marriage - through the story.

Ages: 12-154903 viewsView DetailsView

Jewish American Or American Jew???

Goal: Based on everything we have seen so far on the trip, the assimilation, but success of Jews in America, the chanichim should discuss the question; is it ok to call America our home or not? Either way, they should understand that they can never fully feel totally at home in

America while remaining loyal to

Israel, and what ramifications this has on where we as Jews should be living.

Ages: 13-153986 viewsView DetailsView

Gevurah In The Face Of Assimilation

This week, we will talk about how a really important type of gevurah is strength in the face of assimilation.  Through all of Jewish history, we were constantly under the pressure to assimilate and be lost forever.

Ages: 4-68106 viewsView DetailsView

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