Am Yisrael

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To learn that each one of us is a part in a whole body that includes Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. (And our goal is to keep the Torah)

To understand that if we don’t have any part of Am Yisrael or Eretz Yisrael then it’s as if we are missing a part of our own body.

Ages: 8-126421 viewsView DetailsView

Ethiopian Aliyah

To teach about the struggles of the Ethiopian Aliya, and a little about Aliya in general.

Ages: 6-134934 viewsView DetailsView

Kiddush And Chillul Hashem In Our Lives

Teach about Kiddush and Chillul Hashem in public. Teach about Mesirat Nefesh in Tzahal as a Kiddush Hashem

Ages: 9-114003 viewsView DetailsView

Amalek - Parshat Zachor

Discuss Amalek, their history, and the relevant mitzvot relating to them.

Ages: 9-118659 viewsView DetailsView

Homeland In Isarel

Goal: 1. The Chanichim will understand that the homeland of Am Israel is in Eretz


          2. The Chanichim will understand that when we are not in Eretz Yisrael our      qualities are not good as they can be in


Ages: 10-123398 viewsView DetailsView

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