Edad: 10-183424 visitasView DetailsVer
Edad: 10-182139 visitasView DetailsVer

המירוץ אל המדורה

משחק מסלול לקבוצות לקראת ל"ג בעומר

Edad: 5-107816 visitasView DetailsVer

The Knesset

Goals: Identify the different components of the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament; Introduce the chanichim to some of the Prime Ministers who have goverened Israel.


Peula “Forming a Coalition”

Games – review the names of Prime Ministers and other aspects of the Knesset.

Story: “She Fought for Peace” – the story of Golda Meir

Edad: 10-183722 visitasView DetailsVer

Shavuot And Megillat Ruth

1. To learn about Shavuot through its many names2. To consider the different minhagim (customs) of Shavuot and understand their relevance3. To know the 'story' of Megillat Ruth

Edad: 12-136601 visitasView DetailsVer


Enlaces Recomendados

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