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Connection To Israel

Teach chanachim that Am Yisrael Worked incredibly hard to get Eretz Yisrael, just like the chanachim worked really hard to get the treat.  (You can go into details if there is time:  they did physical work, political negotiating…just like the tasks you did).  And they waited 2000 years to return to Israel, just like they waited for this, Do you really think that Am Yisrael can just give up Eretz Yisrael now, without a fight?!?

Edad: 9-118823 visitasView DetailsVer

Rachel & Tolerance


·         החניך יבין מהי סובלנות ומדוע היא נדרשת בחברה

·         החניך ילמד על רחל אימנו שנפטרה בי"א חשוון ועל גדולתה וסובלנותה.

Edad: 12-1721566 visitasView DetailsVer

La Tolerance Et Itshak Rabin

BUT : La choveret exploite divers sous-thèmes. Vous pouvez choisir d’axer le péoula sur un point en particulier ou en general, mais toujours en soulignant l’œuvre d’ Yitzhak Rabin.

Edad: 10-1610332 visitasView DetailsVer


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