peoula (activite)

Les Juifs D' Espagne , Et L' Expulsion

Message à transmettre :

Instruire les hanihim sur les événements qui amenèrent une grosse partie de la communauté juive d’Espagne à se réfugier dans les pays d’Afrique du nord (d’où est issue une grosse partie de la communauté française), en Turquie mais également au Portugal.

Age: 9-157580 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

Jewish Leaders

Goal: To

familiarize the chanichim with leadership figures and to encourage them to be

leaders-each one in his own personal way!

Age: 10-183315 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

Rosh Chodesh

Goal: Women will learn about Rosh chodesh and the meaning of it for women nowdays.

Age: 15-357193 vuesView DetailsAffichage


Liens recommandés

Stories & songs about Chanuka in English & Heberw
Hebrew Ulpan
Hebrew Ulpan
New!!! Learn Hebrew Online with The Jewish Agency!!! Want to learn Hebrew but never had the opportunity? Now you DO!!! Learn Hebrew at the privacy and convenience of your own home!
many types of activities for Sukkot like colouring, building a Sukkah etc;