Identité Juive
Souviens Toi De Ce Que T'as Fait Amalek
Réfléchir sur la mémoire et ce que ça veut dire souvenir.
Savoir pourquoi il est important de se souvenir.
Apprendre qu’on est obligé de se souvenir d’Amalek, et de ce qu’ils ont fait.
Age: 8-16 | 7404 vues | Affichage |
A Good Jew
For the chanichim to understand what we (Bnei Akiva) is the ideal Jew
Age: 13-17 | 7443 vues | Affichage |
A Hero Means To Just Be Yourself…
Goal: That the Chanichim will understand the importance of preserving and standing for our ideals and uniqueness as individuals and a nation, and see the connection to the “Mityavnim” –the Jews that assimilated with the Greeks.
Age: 8-12 | 13938 vues | Affichage |
A Link In The Chain
מטרת הפעולה:
v לבדוק את מידת המחוייבות אותה חשים המשתתפים כלפי העבר היהודי וכלפי עתיד היהדות.
Age: 15-20 | 9535 vues | Affichage |
Be An Israeli
1. Shaw the Chanichim different sides in the Israeli character.
2. Have them understand that being Israeli is a very different and better lifestyle.
Age: 10-14 | 9053 vues | Affichage |
Centrality Of The Beit Hamikdash And Yerushal...
Chevraya Aleph: Grades 1-6
Goal: To teach the chanichim the central role Yerushalayim plays in the Jewish world, and how this is seen through Aliyah L’Regel, and in Shmoneh Esreh.
Zach Grades 7-8
Goal: To teach the chanichim the centrality of Yerushalayim and the Beit Hamikdash, and how we should always be focused on it (whether by living there or by keeping it in our minds).
Chevraya Bet Grades 9-12
Goal: For the chanichim to understand why it is that all Jews, religious and secular alike, feel a kesher with Yerushalayim and see it as the center of the Jewish World
Age: 8-17 | 15602 vues | Affichage |
Goal: The chanichim should understand the role that the Jewish community plays in fighting assimilation. They should understand which aspects of it are most important and why. They should also see how serious the problem of assimilation is and determine ways we can fight it.
Age: 13-14 | 8880 vues | Affichage |
Age: 7-18 | 4994 vues | Affichage |
1. Presentación de conflictos:
Describe a los participantes un conflicto que se desarrollara entre dos personas, la historia del conflicto la comienza a contar el madrij y se debe parar el relato en el medio; en ese momento se escogen dos participantes y se les pide continuar el conflicto en vivo...
Age: 5-25 | 5111 vues | Affichage |
Davening Today In A Shul
To learn the place of a shul today and the importance of davening with a tsibur and/or in a shul.
Age: 17-19 | 7804 vues | Affichage |
Liens recommandés
things about Rav Nerya
the site includes activities, pictures, updates, parshat shavua, the history of Hashomer Hatzair and more.