
Les options de filtrage:

Jeu De Peoula Sur Ben Yehouda Et L’ivrit

Idée : Ben Yehouda a perdu son Dico, il faut l’aider à le réécrire

Age: 7-1311638 vuesView DetailsAffichage

La Haloutsiout

Qu'est ce que la Haloutsiout??  Parrallel entre la Hloursiout originelle et celle d'aujourd'hui.

Age: 7-173188 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

La Haloutsiout

Apprendre aux hanihim , l'histoire des pionniers en Israel !

Insister que le Bne est un mouvement pionnier

Age: 8-163278 vuesView DetailsAffichage

Le Sionisme

Faire que nos ‘hani’him se familiarisent un peu mieux avec la naissance du Sionisme politique

Age: 8-163839 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

Vivre En Israel

Message à transmettre :

Montrer au ‘hani’h l’importance de la Alyah, le convaincre en lui apprenant le fait que partir vivre là-bas est une grande mitsva, et que cette mitsva nous est accessible concrètement.

Age: 8-146216 vuesView DetailsAffichage

100 To Israel

התיאור הדמיוני על יחסנו לחגיגות המאה למדינה עשוי לתת חומר למחשבה על יחסנו אליה היום

Age: 15-309462 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

60 Jaar Israel

Informatie geven over 60 jaar Israel

Age: 7-159046 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

9th Grade Peulah For Niagra Falls Tiyul

To compare this situation with Herzl’s Uganda Program and to invoke thoughts and discussion on why the two attempts at making a Jewish State outside of Israel did not work and also to teach history while creating a greater understanding of the importance of Israel to us as a people.

Age: 13-159710 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

A Post-zionist State?

To have the chanichim think about what Zionism means to them and to show that even though Israel has changed from a country facing military and technological difficulties to a high-tech, modern, well-armed nation does not mean that Zionism is dead.

Age: 11-176577 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

Activity Zionism To Chanij

Meta: El Chanich podrá explicar la necesidad de Israel para asegurar la supervivencia física de la gente judía.

Categoría De Edad: Amelim/Chotrim

Age: 6-145387 vuesView DetailsAffichage
Article court

Aliyaah During Worl War Ii And Its Aftermath ...

To teach chanachim about the basic facts on Aliyaah during the 2nd World War.

Age: 12-188408 vuesView DetailsAffichage
peoula (activite)

Aliyah--not As East As It Seems

For the chanichim to realize the difficulties Jews have had (and still have) when making aliyah, and despite that so many have and continue to do so.

Age: 6-96610 vuesView DetailsAffichage

Liens recommandés

Some writings of Rav Kook in English
The library
The library
A great website with stories & pics that you can use to teach Hebrew
Edu- Negev- Tu Bishvat
Edu- Negev- Tu Bishvat
A worksheet for Tu Bishvat