Evo: 8-157365 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista
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Social Action - What Makes A Good Jew?

To encourage members of Chevraya Bet to think about how they can get involved in tikkun olam b’malchut Sh-dai.

Evo: 6-153897 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Do You Know Israel & Tradition?!

מטרה- שהילדים ייחשפו לאזורים שונים בארץ ישראל ומורשת ישראל.

Evo: 12-158933 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

G.9. Lawyer

Rules are part of everyone's life, including the group's, but everyone should be part of the process of creating them, during norming. This game helps do it for fun and allows the leader to bring non-dominant members into the process.

Evo: 10-183418 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista


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Language Guide
Language Guide
A website who helps you to learn the language you need. The languages are- Heb, Eng, Spanish, Italian, French, German etc