
Hebrew Words

כרטיסיות עם מילים שונות בעברית, באנגלית ובכתיבה פונטית

מתאים ללימוד מילים בסיסיות ושימושיות לביקור בישראל

Evo: 1-10019804 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista
Evo: 7-182787 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista
Evo: 10-503325 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Chalutzim Agriculture

To teach about the huge importance of agriculture in the New Yeshuv, how this fits with our ideals, and depict the amazing obstacles that were overcome by the settlers.

Evo: 9-115490 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Rabbi Akiva

To teach the chanichim a bit about one of the fathers of our movement – Rabbi Akiva.

Evo: 6-126514 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista


Link consigliati

Israels Posters
Israels Posters
A kit with posters and Peulot about 60 years to the State of Israel, and - 40 years to Jerusalem.