

מטרת הפעולה: 1. שהחניך יכיר במצוקת יישוב הנגב

2. שהחניך ילמד עקרון של הקרבה וויתור למען אידיאלים שיוביל אותו לפתרון הבעיה של יישוב הנגב.

Evo: 11-134168 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

What Is A Chalutz


To define the historical role of the "chalutz" (pioneer) in the rebuilding of Eretz Yisrael and to discuss the new focus and  character required of the Jews returning to the Land of Israel, as personified in the chalutz.

Evo: 15-173684 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Ba Games Manual

The A- Z guide of games for any peulah, tochnit or shiur

Evo: 5-202015 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

It's So Much Fun To Be A Jew?!

מטרת הפעולה: התמודדות עם הקושי שבלהיות יהודי

Evo: 14-1813910 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Rashi - Rishonim

To teach about Rashi, his life, and commentary, as well as Rashi script

Evo: 9-113990 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista


Link consigliati

Ynet- Encyclopedia
Ynet- Encyclopedia
60 question & 60 answers about Israel
Shavout- Or Etzion
Shavout- Or Etzion
Dapey Limud for Shavout by Or Etzion
Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit
Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit
A kit to mark 40 years to Jerusalem. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Divrey Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English