

BUT : Comprendre l’aspect symbolique de Chanukah (peut-être pas aussi profondément que dans cette choveret) et ce qu’elle implique.

Jeux et Quizz pour aider a preparer une peoula sur Hanouka

Evo: 7-168830 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista
Evo: 10-182513 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista
Source Sheet
Evo: 15-1005898 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Teamwork Peula - Taf

Teach the chanachim about teamwork and the benefits of working together

Evo: 6-132379 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Escape From Russia

To give the chanichim an experience which will help them comprehend what it is like to live in an oppressive society and remind them to appreciate their own freedom.

To discuss how

Israel should deal with the mass aliyah from the former


Ethiopia… and how we must relate to new olim.

Evo: 6-152943 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista


Link consigliati

Readings for Rememberance day from MFA
Readings for Rememberance day from MFA
Selected readings in English and Hebrew for Rememberance day
Akhlah- Jewish Holidayes for Childrens
Akhlah- Jewish Holidayes for Childrens
Games, Arts & crafts, Tradition etc....