Guardando indietro
- 1 September, 1935 (3 Elul, 5695): Rav Kook Yahrzeit
- 4 September, 1953 (24 Elul, 5713): Rav Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel-yertziet
- 15 September, 1914 (24 Elul, 5674): yertziet of David Wolffsohn
- 20 September, 1944 (3 Tishrei, 5705): Jewish Brigade-established
- 23 September, 136 (10 Tishrei, 3897): R Akiva Yertzeit
- 27 September, 2007 (15 Tishrei, 5768): Rav Avraham Shapira
Evo: 10-50 | 2751 visualizzazioni | vista |
Evo: 0-0 | 5895 visualizzazioni | vista |
Liars Club
Goal: the chanich will understand that lying is not a way to solve problems
Evo: 8-11 | 3964 visualizzazioni | vista |
Evo: 10-50 | 2831 visualizzazioni | vista |
Evo: 10-18 | 2229 visualizzazioni | vista |
Link consigliati
WUJS - Peulot
a peulot section on the WUJS site
a peulot section on the WUJS site
games for madrichim
games for madrichim
Personal Educational Press
A website that helps make bingo cards easily
A website that helps make bingo cards easily