
Take The Mag

Make chanichim understand the power and responsibility they have to help others

Evo: 13-202266 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

All For One And One For All the sentence “all for one, one for all “

                                      יהי כבוד חברך חביב עליך כשלך" " the Bnei Akiva semel puzzle.

Evo: 7-1210043 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista

Shabbat Halacha

Goal: The chanichim should understand the concept of mesorah, and why there needed to be both the Mapah and the Shulchan Aruch, namely becaue different communities, or Ashkenazim and Sefardim, need to have halacha books that are geared towards their different customs and communities.

Evo: 8-123323 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista
Evo: 10-183301 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista


Objetivo de la actividad: En principio, se trata de una actividad social, en donde fácilmente pueden introducirse elementos educativos como por ejemplo, valores históricos relacionados con alguna fiesta judía.

Evo: 5-252784 visualizzazioniView Detailsvista


Link consigliati

Amit- Purim
Amit- Purim
What is Adar? Songs, games, mitzvot & other stuff about Purim.
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
Petition for Israel's Kidnapped and Missing Soldiers
ICMIS is launching an international campaign to gather at least 1,000,000 signatures on an Internet petition in support of Israel's kidnapped and missing soldiers and their families.
AMIT enables Israel's youth to realize their potential and strengthens Israeli society by educating and nurturing children from diverse backgrounds within a framework of academic excellence, religious values and Zionist ideals. The site has many activities and games which help educate the children.
Jewish Freeware For Pessach
downloadable games and hagadda for pessach