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Oenetane Tokef

Leer de Chanichim  waar Oenetane Tokef eigenlijk vandaan komt.

leeftijden: 8-174454 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

De Connectie Tussen Tu Bishvat & Eretz Yisrae...

Doel: dat de chanichiem zullen begrijpen hoe diep de verbinding is tussen Am Yisrael en Eretz Yisrael en hoe bomen kunnen helpen om deze verbinding te versterken. De stad waar we over gaan praten heet Rosh Pinna een van de beste voorbeelden hoe mensen door bomen verbonden zijn met hun land.

leeftijden: 6-145441 bekekenView Detailsbekijken

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תאריכים ומאורעות בלוח השנה העברי
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Lag BaOmer Lag BaOmer
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The Judaism site The Judaism site
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Pessach on Eish Pessach on Eish
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JerusaleMP3 a tour of Jerusalem by MP3 JerusaleMP3 a tour of Jerusalem by MP3
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Yoni Netanyahu Yoni Netanyahu
the official site for Yoni Netanyahu
Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut
links to many sites in lots of langueges by ages for Memorial day prepared by the Jewish Agecncy Shlichim Support department in their monthly email "Zu Shlichut"
Independance day from Zu Shlichut Independance day from Zu Shlichut
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Yad Vashem Yad Vashem
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Jerusaelm on the Jewish Agancy web site Jerusaelm on the Jewish Agancy web site
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Jerusalem on Matal Jerusalem on Matal
a collection of ideas and links about Yerushalayim
media- IBA media- IBA
Yom Yerushalayim on hinuch
Yeshiva Yeshiva
Matach site Matach site
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All the explanationes about prayers, audio, movie etc.
OU- life cicle OU- life cicle
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Links to other sites about holidayes
Forum Morim Forum Morim
Coloring pages Coloring pages
Arts & crafts Arts & crafts
Aish- Elol Tishrey Aish- Elol Tishrey
Stories, Arts & crafts, Fun activities & more!
Torah Tots Torah Tots
Games & fun for the holidays
Akhlah- Jewish Holidayes for Childrens Akhlah- Jewish Holidayes for Childrens
Games, Arts & crafts, Tradition etc....
Sukkah Building Instructions
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Torah Torah
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.
Rosh Hashanna Rosh Hashanna
Scouts Scouts
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7- net 7- net
Torah articles Torah articles
Chabad- Tishrei Chabad- Tishrei
World education World education
Hagaf LeTarbut Toranit Hagaf LeTarbut Toranit
7- net 7- net
Daat Daat
Hashomer Hatzair Hashomer Hatzair
the site includes activities, pictures, updates, parshat shavua, the history of Hashomer Hatzair and more.
Israeli Sprouts Israeli Sprouts
the site includes information about Israeli scouts, a variety of activities including for trips, pictures from Israeli scouts and more.
AMIT enables Israel's youth to realize their potential and strengthens Israeli society by educating and nurturing children from diverse backgrounds within a framework of academic excellence, religious values and Zionist ideals. The site has many activities and games which help educate the children.
aish-Sukkot aish-Sukkot
many types of activities for Sukkot like colouring, building a Sukkah etc;
Torah Tots Torah Tots
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.
aish-Rosh Hashana aish-Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana-rap
the cyber home of Torah-Sukkot the cyber home of Torah-Sukkot
2 short film on the Arba Minim
Torah Mitzion Torah Mitzion
biblical discourse for all the festivals of the year
Succot from Kipa Succot from Kipa
Shiurim and educational ideas about Succot
Amit- The Amit- The "sigd" holiday
Bahalachin- The Sigd
Ethiopia-culture Ethiopia-culture
nordow- The Sigd nordow- The Sigd
mkm- Haifa- The Sigd
Pbase- The Sigd photo Pbase- The Sigd photo
Pics from the sigd holiday
orianit- the Sigd orianit- the Sigd
Aguda.macam- The Sigd Aguda.macam- The Sigd
Pbase- The Sigd photo
pics from the Sigd
Matal- Chanuka Matal- Chanuka
Aish- Chanuka Aish- Chanuka
Matach- Chanuka Matach- Chanuka
Chabad- Chanuka Chabad- Chanuka
The State of Israel- about chanuka The State of Israel- about chanuka
Piyut- Chanuka Piyut- Chanuka
Piyut Piyut
Amit- Chanuka Amit- Chanuka
Ofarim- Chanuka Ofarim- Chanuka
mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- songs mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- songs
mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- games mkm- Haifa- Chanuka- games
Moreshet- Chanuka Moreshet- Chanuka
Zolo- Chanuka Zolo- Chanuka
Matya- Chanuka Matya- Chanuka
Ha-Lol- Chanuka Ha-Lol- Chanuka
Amalnet- Chanuka Amalnet- Chanuka
Yeladudim- Chanuka-Songs Yeladudim- Chanuka-Songs
Amit- Chanuka- Kids Amit- Chanuka- Kids
Chanuka Games Chanuka Games
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Olam Jew- Chanuka Olam Jew- Chanuka
Chagim- Chanuka Chagim- Chanuka Chanuka Chanuka
Ohr Somayach- Chanuka Ohr Somayach- Chanuka
History, stories, laws (Mitzvot) & alot of articles about chanuka
60 Years for Israel - links
Categorized links on many subjects for 60 Years for Israel
60 years to Israel- Matia 60 years to Israel- Matia
JNUL-Chanuka JNUL-Chanuka
Stories & songs about Chanuka in English & Heberw
Jewish - Holidays - Chanukka Jewish - Holidays - Chanukka
Links to movies, ideas for peulot, pics, recipes in all languages!
Chanukah Videos on YouTube Chanukah Videos on YouTube
Links to movies about Chanuka on Youtube
Matal- Tu Bishvat Matal- Tu Bishvat
Hagshama Tu Bishbat Program Hagshama Tu Bishbat Program
A Fully organized idea for a Program based on who wants to be a millionaire for Tu Bishvat with Prizes - all needed is attached. special for 60 Years of Israel
Torah Tots - for Tu Bishvat Torah Tots - for Tu Bishvat
couloring pages and things for children for tu Bishvat
Knesset- Tu bishvat Knesset- Tu bishvat
Matach site- Tu Bishvat Matach site- Tu Bishvat
History about Tu Bishvat
Oach- Tu Bishvat Oach- Tu Bishvat
The education of goverment made a fantastic site. with Tu Bishvat Seder, Pics, songs, Mitzvot about eretz yisrael etc.
Minhal-Tu Bishvat Seder Minhal-Tu Bishvat Seder
A full Tu Bishvat Seder
Edu- Negev- Tu Bishvat Edu- Negev- Tu Bishvat
A worksheet for Tu Bishvat
KKL- Tu Bishvat KKL- Tu Bishvat
3 peulot for tu bishvat
misrad hachinoch-shavout misrad hachinoch-shavout
Jafi- Tu bishvat- Peula Jafi- Tu bishvat- Peula
daat daat
yeladudim yeladudim
chinooch-olami chinooch-olami
ofarim-shvuot ofarim-shvuot
amit-shvuot amit-shvuot
World Tu B'shvat event- Hagshama World Tu B'shvat event- Hagshama
Who wants to be a Millionaire game, a real one on tu b'shvat!!!!amazing!
purim-misrad hachinooch purim-misrad hachinooch
misrad hachinoch marpad-purim misrad hachinoch marpad-purim
daat daat
misrad hachinoch machoz merchaz-purim misrad hachinoch machoz merchaz-purim
amit-purim amit-purim
yeladudim-purim yeladudim-purim
matach-purim matach-purim
Zo Shlichut- Purim Zo Shlichut- Purim
How to make a Rashan for Purim
Amit- Purim Amit- Purim
What is Adar? Songs, games, mitzvot & other stuff about Purim.
Matya- Purim Matya- Purim
matal- Purim matal- Purim
Jafi- Purim Jafi- Purim
Purim Activities & Programming, The History, Concepts, Language & Geography of Purim, Megillah and Mitzvot Focus, Feminine Perspectives on Purim
Ynet- Encyclopedia Ynet- Encyclopedia
60 question & 60 answers about Israel
archive movies about Israel archive movies about Israel
170 movies in different subjects, before & after the establishing of medinat Israel
Jafi- Hatikva Jafi- Hatikva
How to sing & play the "Hatikva" the Israeli anthum, and what is the history behind it
Israel's 60th Independence web site Israel's 60th Independence web site
activities, photoes, information etc about Israel since 1948 until now
about Israel about Israel
Every month Every month
The magic of creation The magic of creation
Uzi Tauber- Discovering new places Uzi Tauber- Discovering new places
Ha-Lol- Purim Ha-Lol- Purim
Israeli scouts-Purim Israeli scouts-Purim
Yeladim Be Sicuy Yeladim Be Sicuy
Aish- Pessach- Games for Leil Ha'seder Aish- Pessach- Games for Leil Ha'seder
Yetziat Mizrayim- Short Movie Yetziat Mizrayim- Short Movie
How to Plan the Lail Seder How to Plan the Lail Seder
Tips for a good Leil Seder Tips for a good Leil Seder
The History of The State of Israel The History of The State of Israel
JR- Jewish - Holocaust
166 links to learn about the Holocaust. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.
Matal- Holocaust memorial day Matal- Holocaust memorial day
PPT about Israel in different subjects in all languages
Happy Birthday Israel Happy Birthday Israel
Birthday card for Israel & trivia game
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
The Jewish Agency history since 1948
Zemereshet Zemereshet
Jerusalem History Jerusalem History
The Religious Zionism Debate The Religious Zionism Debate
Essays Regarding the Religious Significance of the Modern State of Israel
Ynet- Elol Ynet- Elol
Country City Game Country City Game
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi) Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)
אתר המרכז את מורשת גנדי, הביוגרפיה ומה נעשה כיום לזיכרו
Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie Rechavam Zevi (Gandi)- Movie
סרט לזיכרו של רחבעם זאבי
Kever Rachel Imeinu Kever Rachel Imeinu
Pics, information, etc about Rachel Imeinu on the official site of Kever Rachel.
Tu Bishvat kit Tu Bishvat kit
Tu Bishvat kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Tishrey kit Tishrey kit
Tishrey kit which include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Kristallnacht kit Kristallnacht kit
A kit for marking 60 years Kristallnacht which include - Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
60 years to Israel kit 60 years to Israel kit
A kit marking 60 years to the State of Israel. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvari Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English
Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit Marking 40 to Jerusalem kit
A kit to mark 40 years to Jerusalem. Include- Peulot, presentations, videos, Divrey Torah, etc., in Hebrew and English
Israels Posters Israels Posters
A kit with posters and Peulot about 60 years to the State of Israel, and - 40 years to Jerusalem.
Smarts Smarts
Torah Tots- Tu Bishvat Torah Tots- Tu Bishvat
Kids Hagada for Pesach Kids Hagada for Pesach
Yad Vashem school Yad Vashem school
6 pics in memory of 6 million 6 pics in memory of 6 million
The Jewish resistance during the holocaust The Jewish resistance during the holocaust
WEJEW- Jewish Movies WEJEW- Jewish Movies
Movies about the the jewish history, israel etc.
Madrichim Madrichim
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.
Hashirim Hashirim
Jerusalem from the sky Jerusalem from the sky
You can find photos of Jerusalem from above
Jr Many For Pessach Links Jr Many For Pessach Links
Sfirat Haomer Amit Sfirat Haomer Amit
- -
Wejew Wejew
#1 Jewishvideo site
The Cave Of Machpela The Cave Of Machpela
Shavout- Or Etzion Shavout- Or Etzion
Dapey Limud for Shavout by Or Etzion
Matal- Minheret Ha'zman Matal- Minheret Ha'zman
Brain Pop- Chanuka Brain Pop- Chanuka
A website with short movies in Hebrew about Chanuka.
Jewish Freeware For Pessach
downloadable games and hagadda for pessach
Tnuva- Shavuot Tnuva- Shavuot
Shavout Recipes
Movie- Gadi Gizbar
Shay Games Shay Games
Eliner Library Eliner Library