- 1 September, 1935 (3 Elul, 5695): Rav Kook Yahrzeit
- 4 September, 1953 (24 Elul, 5713): Rav Ben-Zion Meir Hai Uziel-yertziet
- 15 September, 1914 (24 Elul, 5674): yertziet of David Wolffsohn
- 20 September, 1944 (3 Tishrei, 5705): Jewish Brigade-established
- 23 September, 136 (10 Tishrei, 3897): R Akiva Yertzeit
- 27 September, 2007 (15 Tishrei, 5768): Rav Avraham Shapira
Idade: 1-50 | 8262 Views | Vista |
R. Shimshon Raphael Hirsch
Goals: Teach about the rise of the Reform Movement in Jewish History, and the Orthodox response, focusing on the role of Rav Hirsch.
Idade: 8-12 | 10512 Views | Vista |
The Importance Of The Little Things
מטרת הפעולה: החניך יבין ויפנים את חשיבות המעשים הקטנים כי המעשים והפרטים הקטנים הם אלו שבונים את השלם.
Idade: 7-13 | 16734 Views | Vista |
Why Do We Have Asara Btevet?
Why do we have asara btevet? Beyond that, why do we have to fast?
Idade: 12-15 | 2151 Views | Vista |
Links Recomendados
Torah Tots - for Tu Bishvat
couloring pages and things for children for tu Bishvat
couloring pages and things for children for tu Bishvat
The capitol of Israel - Jerusalem
A site created by the Jerusalem Municipality with info, pictures and films about Yerushalayim
A site created by the Jerusalem Municipality with info, pictures and films about Yerushalayim
Kristallnacht kit
A kit for marking 60 years Kristallnacht which include - Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
A kit for marking 60 years Kristallnacht which include - Peulot, presentations, videos, Dvar Tora, etc., in Hebrew and English
Independance day from Zu Shlichut
loads of links for Israel's Independance day by Languege and age from the Jewish agency Shlichim support letter "Zu Shlichut"
loads of links for Israel's Independance day by Languege and age from the Jewish agency Shlichim support letter "Zu Shlichut"