Peula - Atividade


The chanichim should get a feel of what life in galut felt like for the Jewish People from the time of Churban Beit Hamikdash until Hakamat Hamedinah.

Idade: 8-1411072 ViewsView DetailsVista
Idade: 10-182524 ViewsView DetailsVista

Shivat Tzion- The Return To Zion


1. You will gain some understanding of the history of modern political Zionism

2. You will begin to realize the hardships and challenges which faced the pioneers in

Palestine from the turn of century to the mid 1900's and their dedication to overcome these obstacles.

3. You will begin to understand that

Israel was not created in a day by the UN, but was really established through the sacrifices of those who came in response to the Zionist dream.

Idade: 12-185397 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Image Of Jerusalem

Fotos con lugares importantes, que error hay en cada una?

Idade: 7-102352 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Freedom Of Choice

To help the chanichim understand the concept of freedom of choice

Idade: 13-153939 ViewsView DetailsVista


Links Recomendados

Torah Tots
Torah Tots
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.
Jewish film archive
Jewish film archive
The Steven Spielberg Jewish film archive
The Judaism site
The Judaism site
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar