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Shiur - Aula
Idade: 12-1006745 ViewsView DetailsVista
Peula - Atividade

Peulah For Shabbat Parshat Chukat-balak

To teach the chanachim the importance of Ben Adma L'Chavera and how this may even be a lifesaving action!

Idade: 8-128192 ViewsView DetailsVista

Links Recomendados

Israels Posters
Israels Posters
A kit with posters and Peulot about 60 years to the State of Israel, and - 40 years to Jerusalem.
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
Together Celebrating Israel's 60 years
The Jewish Agency history since 1948
A short movie, information about Pessach, all kinds of articles about freedom and others topics (related to Pessach), games, stories, "Hilchot Pessach", recipes for Pessach and more...