Akeidat Yitzchak
To learn the story of Akeidat Yitzchak
To understand that Akeidat Yitzchak took place on what is now known as Har Habayit.
To discuss the issue of faith and trust in both Hashem and other people in relation to Akeidat Yitzchak and our everyday lives
Idade: 8-15 | 12681 Views | Vista |
Bereshit Bara
To show the chanachim that the worl is not a coincidence, that G-D controls everything and so that they will appreciate what goes on around them.To try and get the chanachim to be familiar with the creation (or at least with parshat bereshit).
Idade: 8-15 | 6789 Views | Vista |
Bereshit Bara…- Parashat Bereshit
Goal: To show the Chanichim that the world is not a coincidence, that God controls everything and so that they will appreciate what goes on around them.
AND: to try and get the Chanichim to be familiar with the creation (or at least with Parashat Bereshit).
Idade: 6-14 | 11780 Views | Vista |
Slavery Today
1. Slavery in
2. What is true slavery and freedom?
3. The impact slavery in
Egypt continues to have on us.
Idade: 6-13 | 7484 Views | Vista |
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