Chayei Sarah
Eizehu Ashir – Hasame’ach Bechelko!
Goal: To teach the chanichim to be thankful for what they have ????
Idade: 8-12 | 15706 Views | Vista |
Who's Land Is It Anyway?
1. To learn about the events surrounding the
cave of
2. To think about what it means to have a right to
Israel - What does or should ownership entail?
3. To understand the responsibility that goes hand in hand with possession.
Idade: 8-14 | 8642 Views | Vista |
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Jerusalem on Matal
a collection of ideas and links about Yerushalayim
a collection of ideas and links about Yerushalayim
Loads about Jerusalem
Loads of info, movies, ideas and programs about Yerushalayim
Loads of info, movies, ideas and programs about Yerushalayim
מי היה הרב נריה
info about Rav Nerya from Yeshivot Bnei Akiva site
info about Rav Nerya from Yeshivot Bnei Akiva site