Actions Speak Louder Than Words
1. To learn this story of Avraham2. To think about how much more our actions say, than our words3. Micro - macro. Bettering oneself will ultimately lead to bettering the world.
Idade: 12-13 | 6022 Views | Vista |
Idade: 12-100 | 7654 Views | Vista |
Parshat Vaera
Teach the chanachim about chalutzim and how they helped towards establishing eretz yisrael.
Idade: 8-13 | 6924 Views | Vista |
Links Recomendados
Israel's 60th Independence web site
activities, photoes, information etc about Israel since 1948 until now
activities, photoes, information etc about Israel since 1948 until now
Activities, information, quizzes and fun work sheets about Pessach and the spring for 1st-6th grade
Activities, information, quizzes and fun work sheets about Pessach and the spring for 1st-6th grade
Torah Tots
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.