Bnei Akiva Tzevet Behaviour Guidelines

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Recurso Tipo: Peula - Atividade em: English
Idade: 16-22
O tamanho do grupo: 0-0
Tempo estimado: 30 minutos

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Objetivo de Recursos
Bnei Akiva is committed to providing educational activities in a safe and appropriate environment for all participants. All Chavarim are expected to contribute to this environment. To achieve our goals, all Tzevet are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

Recurso Conteúdo



Bnei Akiva Tzevet Behaviour Guidelines


Bnei Akiva is committed to providing educational activities in a safe and appropriate environment for all participants. All Chavarim are expected to contribute to this environment. To achieve our goals, all Tzevet are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

Dugma Ishit (Personal Example)

All Tzevet must be committed to all halachic requirements both while at Bnei Akiva activities and in their own personal lives. This includes particular attention to:

§         Appropriate use of language ("Nikyut HaLashon"),

§         Shmirat Shabbat

§         Shmirat Kashrut

§         Appropriate dress, including Tzni'ut, as well as Kippa and Tzitizt for males

§         Appropriate interaction with members of the opposite gender, (including halachot against physical contact)

Expected Behaviour

§         Tzevet are expected to come to all activities, including snif, Shabbatonim, and other programming on time and prepared. This includes being aware of what the educational goals of the program are, and what role they are expected to play in achieving those goals.

§         Tzevet must attend all T'fillot, programs, meals, and other activities.
When they are not directly involved in running an activity, they are expected to play an active supporting role by maintaining decorum, or generally assisting their co-Madrachim.

Unacceptable Behaviour

§         Smoking, Drinking of alcoholic beverages, or use of illegal drugs at a Bnei Akiva event may be grounds for immediate dismissal from the event at the earliest practical time, and offenders may not be able to participate in future events.

§         Any behaviour that threatens the safety of program participants will not be tolerated.

§         Foul, obscene or profane language of any sort (verbal, written or electronic) is unacceptable.

§         Bringing illegal weapons (such as guns, switchblades, sharpened box cutters, and sharpened screwdrivers) to an event will result in confiscation of the weapons, expulsion from the event at the earliest practical time, and may also be referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

§         Unwanted sexual attention in the form of remarks, jokes or innuendo about a person’s body or clothing, or sexual activity will not be tolerated

Physical Force

Physical force may never be used other than to safeguard against immediate physical danger to another person, to a sacred religious object, or to property if the results of damaging the property would cause physical danger to an individual. It certainly may never be used as a means to discipline a recalcitrant chanich.

Inappropriate use of violence or physical force will result in referral to law enforcement authorities.

One-on-one Contact

One-on-one contact between madrachim and chanachim is not permitted in private. A staff member should never be in a room with any chanich with the door closed. In situations that require personal conferences or discussions, these should be conducted in a separate section of a public area.

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I __________________________________ (name) have read Bnei Akiva Tzevet Behaviour Guidelines, and agree to abide by these guidelines.

I understand that failure to abide by these guidelines may result in my dismissal from my position and from any future Bnei Akiva activities.

______________________________________ (signature)

______________________________________ (date)

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