1 March, 1806 (11 Adar, 5566): Chaim Joseph David Azulai-yertziet
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Tel Hai
1 March, 1920 (11 Adar, 5680): Joseph Trumpeldor
4 March, 1987 (3 Adar, 5747): Jonathan Pollard-court case
5 March, 1946 (11 Adar, 5706): Birya affair
6 March, 1929 (24 Adar, 5689): Bnei Akiva was established by Yechiel Eliash in Jerusalem
9 March, 1895 (13 Adar, 5655): Moshe Feinstein-yertziet
9 March, 1982 (14 Adar, 5742): Rav Zvi Yehuda Kook-yertziet
10 March, 1998 (12 Adar, 5758): Rav Hayim David HaLevi-yertziet
10 March, 1949 (9 Adar, 5709): Flying of the ink flag
11 March, 1787 (21 Adar, 5547): Elimelech of Lizhensk-yertziet
22 March, 1885 (6 Nissan, 5745): Aryeh Levin-born
26 March, 1978 (27 Adar, 5739): The Israel-Egypt peace treaty was signed

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Dreams Can Come True
1. To think about the importance of dreams
2. To consider the changes throughout Herzl's life and his dream
3. To consider how we all need to dream and work to allow our dreams to become reality
Alder: 8-14 | 11291 visningar | ![]() |

Giving To Others Not Only When It’s Comfortab...
The chanichim will understand the importance of giving to others not only when it’s comfortable and easy for them but also when it’s hard and they need to sacrifice of ourselves for others.
Alder: 14-17 | 13225 visningar | ![]() |

The Tongue Is Like An Arrow
לא ניצן להחזיר לאחור דבר שנאמר
Alder: 7-100 | 6932 visningar | ![]() |

Alder: 0-0 | 5617 visningar | ![]() |
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Pessach (AMIT)
activities. stories, games, and songs for Pessach
activities. stories, games, and songs for Pessach
A short movie, information about Pessach, all kinds of articles about freedom and others topics (related to Pessach), games, stories, "Hilchot Pessach", recipes for Pessach and more...
A short movie, information about Pessach, all kinds of articles about freedom and others topics (related to Pessach), games, stories, "Hilchot Pessach", recipes for Pessach and more...