Alter: 10-188474 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Jewish Geography

Goal: For chevraya aleph, the goal is to familiarize them with some of the worldwide Jewish causes and to emphasize that we have a connection will all Jews all over the world. For Zach, the goal is to go a make the sicha a little deeper and debate the issues; how much should we be involved in causes halfway across the world when we have so many things to be involved in right near us at home?

Alter: 9-154402 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Short Article
Alter: 10-504728 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Behind The Stage


1. make the chanich be more aware to the messages that are hiding behind songs ,movies and commercials. 2. identify the messages that fit our way of life and those who don’t

Alter: 13-182882 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

I Feel That I Need To Daven Now....


להתפלל. שלוש פעמים ביום להתפלל.

האם תמיד אנו מרגישים צורך לעמוד בתפילה?

אולי לא תמיד, אבל ישנם רגעים שבהחלט כן! מתי?

Alter: 12-1511684 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


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