
Chanukah Quiz

The chanich will learn the story of Chanukah in a fun way

Alter: 8-148178 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Sukkah Hop - Journeys

Welcome to Bnei Akiva! This year we are starting snif off with a hop!  A sukkah hop is an especially fun snif, and it’s the perfect chance to make a great first impression with your chanichim.  Be friendly, enthusiastic, fun, yourselves!  The theme for this year’s Sukkah hop is ‘

Mission from Mitzrayim’. We, as Bnei Yisrael did, are travelling from Mitzrayim to Sukkot to Midbar Sinai to Arvot Moav and then (phew) finally, to Eretz Yisrael.  Each group will have a map of the area, and your Roshei Snif will tell you which house is which location on the map for your group.  One sukkah will have a quiz, one will have a game, and one will have a story. 

Alter: 10-157216 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Source Sheet
Alter: 10-182544 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Play / skit
Alter: 0-010259 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

First Session-bat Mitzva

הסבר חשיבות המסורת היהודית.

הייחוד והשוני בין האנשים זה דבר מאד חשוב וזה מאפשר לכל אדם להעביר ולהפיץ את המסורת בדרכים שונות ויחודיות לכל אדם.

Alter: 11-1314095 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


Empfohlene Links

the site includes complete books, sayings, periodicals, pictures, maps, drawings, photographies and presentations on the Judaism
Tanach Study Center
Tanach Study Center
Shiurim on Chumash, Navi, Chagim and more by Menachem Leibtag. In English and Hebrew.... In Memory of Rabbi Avraham Leibtag
Yom HaZikaron
Yom HaZikaron
A list of settlements that named of soldiers their stories and more information about Yom HaZikaron
Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut
Links for Memorial day from Zu Shlichut
links to many sites in lots of langueges by ages for Memorial day prepared by the Jewish Agecncy Shlichim Support department in their monthly email "Zu Shlichut"
Language Guide
Language Guide
A website who helps you to learn the language you need. The languages are- Heb, Eng, Spanish, Italian, French, German etc