Alter: 10-182261 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Update On The Arab-israeli Conflict, Law Of T...


Transmitir ideas sobre la actualidad israelí, advertirles sobre la tergiversación de las noticias en los medios de comunicación. Inculcar información y valores acerca de ley del retorno.

Alter: 5-252947 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Alter: 6-122285 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Migdal Bavel

1. To learn the story of the

Tower of


2. To think about the dispersion of the Jewish people today

3. To consider what linked us together in the past and continues to bind us together today

Alter: 4-107757 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Movie Shehechiyanu On The State

סרטון של הרב מימון שמברך שהחיינו לאחר הכרזת העצמאות

A movie of Rav Maymon making Shehechiyanu after the decleration of the state

Alter: 6-1004310 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht


Empfohlene Links

National Photo Collection
National Photo Collection
For the first time on the internet, in honor of Israel's jubilee, the State of Israel's national photo collection is open and available to the general public! Years of events, people, landscapes, peace and war, industry and culture...
Jewish Freeware For Pessach
downloadable games and hagadda for pessach