der Zweite Tempel


Chanuka--what Really Happened There

Teach about the Gevura of the Maccabim, as well as about the story of Chanuka

Alter: 8-1212035 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Galout /geula

Le message à transmettre :

Apprendre à regarder les similitudes entre la גלות מצרים et notre גלות. A partir de la גאולה de פסח nous pouvons apprécier et regarder le début du retour à ציון.

But : Montrer aux חניכים le parallèle entre l’exil d’Egypte  et celui d’aujourd’hui.

Alter: 8-157424 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Giborim- Masada

To teach about the heroism that occurred at

Masada, and about the history of that event.

Alter: 9-138295 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Le Beth Hamikdash

Message à transmettre : Instruire les hanih’im sur l’importance du kotel et leur faire prendre conscience que les actions de chaque juif personnellement ont des conséquences énormes pour tout le peuple d’Israël

Alter: 8-168491 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht
Alter: 10-198126 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Massada And The Bar Kochba Revolt

To learn about the Bar Kochba Revolt which was a last attempt to liberate

Jerusalem from the Romans after the destruction of the Bayt HaMikdash. To discuss if the mass suicide at Massada was justified. Please note, Massada is not in

Jerusalem, but rather the

Negev. It is slightly off topic, but still a very important part of our story.

Alter: 8-1413028 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

The Churban Of Beit Ha'mikdash

O     החניך ידע מהי סיבת חורבן הבית.

O     החניך יכיר כמה ירושלים יקרה לנו מתוך מנהגי האבלות ומרכזיותו של תשעה באב בעולם היהודי.

O     החניך ירצה בעז"ה להיות שותף לקירוב בניין בית המקדש ע"י הוספת אהבת חינם.

Alter: 6-1022702 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

The Dedication Of The Second Temple


This peulah is less mussar, more celebration. We are going to rebuild the

Temple!!! (well, sort of )

plus, the usual history lesson

a little review on the importance of having a beit mikdash

Alter: 6-147376 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

The Return To Israel From Babylonia

To learn the story of the return to

Zion up until the halt of the building of the



To learn about the damage of rumors

"keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."

Alter: 8-126806 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

The War Against The Jews

Aims OF Peula:

·        For the chanichim to have a better and clearer picture of the history of the Holocaust.

·        For them to realise that ALL Jews were persecuted regardless of what country they were in during the Second World War occupation.

·        To see that Nazi Germany made special laws against the Jews.

Alter: 8-188734 AnsichtenView DetailsAussicht

Empfohlene Links

Some writings of Rav Kook in English
World Tu B'shvat event- Hagshama
World Tu B'shvat event- Hagshama
Who wants to be a Millionaire game, a real one on tu b'shvat!!!!amazing!
Games from all Kinds- for a group, fun or competition