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Love Story...or Is It?

To teach the chanachim about the problems of mixed marriage - through the story.

Ages: 12-154898 viewsView DetailsView

Taboo Judiesm

משחק בו צריכים חברי הקבוצה צריכים לנחש מה הביטוי הכתוב בכרטיס שנמצא אצל חבר קבוצתם. הוא מאידך צריך לתת להם רמזים מה הביטוי, מבלי להשתמש במילים הכתובות על הכרטיס.  

Ages: 10-203087 viewsView DetailsView

Dear Rina

A letter for Rina from Yoni Netanyaho

Ages: 10-188344 viewsView DetailsView

What Would You Do?

Goal: This week the theme is personal values.  Why do you do what you do?  Every day, all of us have to make lots of little choices. We hope that they live up to what we think our values, but we all know that it doesn’t always happen the way we want it to.

Anyway, enough with the serious stuff.  This game can be adapted to suit all ages and all attention spans.

Ages: 6-144265 viewsView DetailsView

The Power Of Speech

Aleph:1. To learn about Lashon Hara

           2. To understand that speech is precious Bet: 1. To understand the power that speech holds

        2. To learn about the dangers of Lashon Hara

Ages: 12-137084 viewsView DetailsView

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Leadel- Jewish Leadership
videos etc about Jewish Leadreship of then and now
A Jewish children's learning network
The Judaism site
The Judaism site
Divrey Torah, Parashat Shavua and articles. Information and updates according to the jewish calendar
This site is built to allow leaders to share programmes and also to act as an archive of programmes that have been written previously. The site includes programmes on: jewis identity, Zionism, alyiah, israel and games
many activities for shabbat-games, summary for this week's Parshat Shavua and coloring pages for Shabbat & Parshat Shavua.
An excellent website for madricim. Contain Peulot, programs, articles etc.