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9th Grade Peulah For Niagra Falls Tiyul

To compare this situation with Herzl’s Uganda Program and to invoke thoughts and discussion on why the two attempts at making a Jewish State outside of Israel did not work and also to teach history while creating a greater understanding of the importance of Israel to us as a people.

Ages: 13-159725 viewsView DetailsView

A Little Too At Home...

The chanichim will recognize the powerful influence the culture we live in has on our lives, and on our values.

Ages: 14-189137 viewsView DetailsView


aimed for gaining basic information about Israel.

10 minutes about…



A tradition of Aliya

This is the term used to describe a Jew's immigration to Israel. Literally it means 'uplifting'. Jews move upwards to Israel. The tradition of Aliya goes back for thousands of years. Ever since they were exiled, Jews have always yearned to return to their homeland. The Bible talks about God's promise to bring the Jewish people home:

"For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all countries and will bring you into your own land... Then you will live in the land which I gave to your fathers, and you will be my people, and I will be your God." (Yechezkel 36:24,28)

Ages: 10-187828 viewsView DetailsView


To understand about Aliya

Ages: 10-177564 viewsView DetailsView

Aliya From Yemen

Show how absorption into

Israel is not always simple

Ages: 8-147654 viewsView DetailsView


To teach the chanachim that For most of us, to get to

Israel all we have to do is get on a plane.   It wasn’t so easy for most of our history, though.  For many years, Jews were not allowed in.  Sometimes it is hard to appreciate how hard it was for so many people now living in Israel to make Aliyah (and maybe how comparatively easy it is for us?).

Ages: 8-134726 viewsView DetailsView

Aliyaah - Not As It Seems

Since different countries have completely different cultures and languages, making aliyah can be very difficult for these people; But they still do.

Ages: 6-94214 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article

Aliyaah During Worl War Ii And Its Aftermath ...

To teach chanachim about the basic facts on Aliyaah during the 2nd World War.

Ages: 12-188422 viewsView DetailsView

Aliyah--not As East As It Seems

For the chanichim to realize the difficulties Jews have had (and still have) when making aliyah, and despite that so many have and continue to do so.

Ages: 6-96620 viewsView DetailsView

Am Yisrael B'eretz Yisrael--the Love Story

The chanichim will understand how deep is the “KESHER” (the connection, relationship) between us - Am-Yisrael, and our land-Eretz-Yisrael.

Ages: 12-147909 viewsView DetailsView

Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, Al Pi Torat Yisrae...

1.      The Chanichim will understand the importance of the settling in Eretz Yisrael.

2.      The Chanichim will understand the meaning of our Sisma’ot: “Mi anachnu, ma chayenu, uma sismatenu: am yisrael be’ertz yisrael, al pi torat yisrael.”

Ages: 7-109439 viewsView DetailsView

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Torah Tots
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Israeli Sprouts
Israeli Sprouts
the site includes information about Israeli scouts, a variety of activities including for trips, pictures from Israeli scouts and more.