Galut and Geula - Exile and Redemption

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A Little Too At Home...

The chanichim will recognize the powerful influence the culture we live in has on our lives, and on our values.

Ages: 14-189127 viewsView DetailsView

Am Yisrael B'eretz Yisrael--the Love Story

The chanichim will understand how deep is the “KESHER” (the connection, relationship) between us - Am-Yisrael, and our land-Eretz-Yisrael.

Ages: 12-147901 viewsView DetailsView

Destruction & Redemption

Goals: The chanichim will understand that even though we morn the חורבן, חורבן in itself is the first step of the גאולה.

Ages: 13-168364 viewsView DetailsView

Escape From Russia

To give the chanichim an experience which will help them comprehend what it is like to live in an oppressive society and remind them to appreciate their own freedom.

To discuss how

Israel should deal with the mass aliyah from the former


Ethiopia… and how we must relate to new olim.

Ages: 6-147867 viewsView DetailsView


The chanichim should get a feel of what life in galut felt like for the Jewish People from the time of Churban Beit Hamikdash until Hakamat Hamedinah.

Ages: 8-1411075 viewsView DetailsView


To learn that each one of us is a part in a whole body that includes Am Yisrael in Eretz Yisrael. (And our goal is to keep the Torah)

To understand that if we don’t have any part of Am Yisrael or Eretz Yisrael then it’s as if we are missing a part of our own body.

Ages: 8-126411 viewsView DetailsView

Geula Shleima

The goal is that the chanichim will come away with a more realistic vision of what Geula is.  They will also consider the role that Medinat Yisrael could play in such a vision.

Ages: 13-164470 viewsView DetailsView

Green Man (comic)

Teach chanachim about diversity and toleration, maybe even the jewish people beng scattered across the world

Ages: 4-65027 viewsView DetailsView

Hatikva, What It Means To Me

That the Chanichim should understand the meaning of our country and the importance of the hope. Another goal is for them to understand the meaning of the national anthem of our land.

Ages: 12-1410626 viewsView DetailsView

Kibbutz Galuyot

Convey the importance of

Israel being a place for Kibbutz Galuyot and a place for all Jews.

Ages: 8-124452 viewsView DetailsView

Kibbutz Galuyot--introduction To The Unit

To further emphasize the reasons and importance of Aliya, teach a little about Bnei Akiva as a worldwide movement

Ages: 9-149958 viewsView DetailsView


for the chanichim to understand about the mashiach, when, why and for what it will come

Ages: 8-127727 viewsView DetailsView

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The History of the Jewish People
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