Settling The Land

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"oh The Places You'll Go!"

1) Teach the Chanichim about the diversity of Israeli Culture in the cities around the country.

2) Emphasize the positive traits and values which we can learn from each of these places/sects of Israeli society.

Ages: 7-127284 viewsView DetailsView


To understand about Aliya

Ages: 10-177546 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 8-157398 viewsView DetailsView

Building A Yishuv In Eretz Yisrael

Think about what the ideal Yishuv should look likeClarify your values on the Hityashvut.See the dilemmas facing people living in

IsraelSee how you can affect your life more by living in

IsraelSee what a place planned by and for only Jewish people can be like.

Ages: 10-166807 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 15-186647 viewsView DetailsView

Chalutzim - The Story

To explain and teach the chanachim the story of the Chalutzim and how they came to build the land of Israel.

Ages: 8-106918 viewsView DetailsView

Chalutzim Agriculture

To teach about the huge importance of agriculture in the New Yeshuv, how this fits with our ideals, and depict the amazing obstacles that were overcome by the settlers.

Ages: 9-115488 viewsView DetailsView


Background:  Chaluziut is loosely translated as “pioneering” but we will see how the definition can be sharpened.

Goals:The chanichim will be able to define what Chaluziut is.   They will compare the original definition given in Tanach to how modern Zionisim defines “the Chalutz.”  Different characteristics of “the Chalutz” should be discussed.  Does being a Chalutz describe one aspect of life, or is it a philosophy of life?  To what extent are we Chaluzim?  The chanichim will also be able to give examples of individual Chaluzim who have impacted


Ages: 13-158399 viewsView DetailsView

Escape From Russia

To give the chanichim an experience which will help them comprehend what it is like to live in an oppressive society and remind them to appreciate their own freedom.

To discuss how

Israel should deal with the mass aliyah from the former


Ethiopia… and how we must relate to new olim.

Ages: 6-147860 viewsView DetailsView

Escape From Russia

To give the chanichim an experience which will help them comprehend what it is like to live in an oppressive society and remind them to appreciate their own freedom.

To discuss how

Israel should deal with the mass aliyah from the former


Ethiopia… and how we must relate to new olim.

Ages: 6-152931 viewsView DetailsView

Ethiopian Aliyah

To teach about the struggles of the Ethiopian Aliya, and a little about Aliya in general.

Ages: 6-134919 viewsView DetailsView

Family Learning - Aliya\ Abraham

To learn together about Aliya. in this pages- about Abraham Avinu. How did Abraham leave him family and him homeland and went to a new land?! We learn from Abraham to trust and believe in ה' . When ה' says to Abraham to go to Eretz Israel. He does not ask any questions. He takes everything he owns and starts out walking to the Promised Land –that is how Abraham become the firs new immigrant to come to the Land of Israel. Abraham is our Father and we walk in his footsteps and we return to the Land of Israel. The land that ה' promised to Abraham and to all the Jews

Ages: 5-1010388 viewsView DetailsView

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