Jewish Holidays

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Chanukah Songs

Goal: to fill in the empty spaces

Ages: 12-1002631 viewsView DetailsView

The Final Countdown

We talk of counting the omer, but what is the omer? And what is its significance? There are so many questions that we could (and should!) ask, but we are going to focus a few…

Ages: 6-159670 viewsView DetailsView

I'm Free

Goal: the Chanichim should understand that real freedom doesn’t mean doing whatever you want and having no physical limits. The real freedom is about controlling yourself in a way that makes your soul and spirit free.

Ages: 12-186187 viewsView DetailsView

Yom Ha’atzmaut: Understanding The Miracle

To understand how we still can celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut despite the time of terror and bloodshed

Ages: 12-175244 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

Yoni Netanyahu
Yoni Netanyahu
the official site for Yoni Netanyahu
Torah Tots
Torah Tots
Games & fun for the holidays
Greeting cards for Rosh Hashanna- By E- mail.
Kosher 4 Passover
Kosher 4 Passover
A lot of games for Pessach and for the seder itself A lot of information about the 10 makot and Pessach in General... Movie Clips, Jokes and more *On the home page there are a lot of links for games and information
aish-Rosh Hashana
aish-Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana-rap
Roim Et Hakolot - Seeing the sounds
Roim Et Hakolot - Seeing the sounds
Teaching Bar Mitzva Torah reading and Drasha, also good for Bat Mitzva Drasha
#1 Jewishvideo site
Sukkah Building Instructions