Holocaust Day

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Ages: 15-10010743 viewsView DetailsView

Deprogramming The Masses Since 1547

To show the Chanichim the importance of keeping the memories of Holocaust survivors alive and learning the arguments of Holocaust deniers and how to refute them.

Ages: 12-159544 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article
Ages: 12-10014585 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article

Elie Wiesel's Book Night

The following are excerpts from Professor Elie Wiesel's book Night:-

Ages: 12-1009860 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article

From The Diary Of Donia Rosen

A short article for Yom Ha'Shoaa

Ages: 12-10010600 viewsView DetailsView

Holocaust- Background

The PPT is telling a little bit about the history of the Holocaust

Ages: 13-207445 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-185543 viewsView DetailsView
Ages: 10-10010456 viewsView DetailsView

Holocaust Oil

At the conclusion of every 16-hour work day in the hell called

Bergen-Belsen, the block commander liked to have some fun with his Jews.

Ages: 10-1007649 viewsView DetailsView


To give the chanichim a taste of how the Holocaust felt like

Ages: 9-145036 viewsView DetailsView
Short Article


Short article for Yom Ha'Shoaa

Ages: 12-1005565 viewsView DetailsView

Recommended Links

JR- Jewish - Holocaust
166 links to learn about the Holocaust. Site languages include English, Hebrew, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish.