Ice Breakers

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Type de ressource: peoula (activite) dans: English

Ans 6 - 9

Taille du groupe 5 - 30

Temps estime: 90 minutes

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To allow the chanachim to get to know each other and their madrachim - to break the ice!

Matériel requis

- paper cup

Contenu de la ressource


Ice Breakers

Game 1 – Switch!

All of the kids sit in a circle and there is one extra seat.  The one who has the extra seat on his right needs to shout another kid’s name and the kid whose name was called needs to run and sit in the spare seat.  Now, the spare seat is on the right of another kid… and so on…

When a kid didn’t notice that his name was called, in three seconds he’s out and a chair is taken out. 

Round two: Now when someone’s name is called, the person sitting to the right of the person whose name was called needs to go and sit in the empty chair.  When someone eventually gets out, and other chair is removed, and then the person sitting TWO seats to the right of the new name that is called needs to sit in the empty chair, etc.


Game 2 – break the ice

The madrich/a will bring a paper cup with frozen water and pass among the chanichim. When the cup reaches a chanich he has to tell couple things about himself and pass it to the next chanich. When the madrich gets the cup he will tell about himself and than throw the cup on the floor and say : after we all got to know each other we can break the ice.









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» All > Games > Jeux de présentation
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