Bingo - בינגו

Details du fichier:

Type de ressource: Jeu dans: English

Ans 5 - 20

Taille du groupe 10 - 20

Temps estime: 45 minutes

Pour plus de détails...


bingo.doc (54 KB)

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Vues: 8408
Téléchargés: 2244

Rated 400 times
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To get to know everyone

Matériel requis

Contenu de la ressource













Someone who bowled a strike





Someone who knows what the theme of Sniff was last week

Someone wearing a red shirt/sweater


Someone who ate chulent this past Shabbat





Someone who goes to sniff regularly



Someone who went bowling within the last month

Someone who can say all 3 Brachot that we say at Mifkad.



Someone who went to a Bnei Akiva camp







Someone who is wearing both the color Blue and the color White


Someone wearing size 7 bowling shoes


Someone who’s been to Israel



Someone who can sing all the words to Yad Achim











Someone who went to a Bnei Akiva camp





Someone who knows what Parsha it was last week

Someone wearing a green shirt/sweater


Someone who was born in November




Someone who can sing all the words to Yad Achim



Someone who went bowling within the last month

Someone who is wearing both the color Blue and the color White



Someone who bowled a strike







Someone who can say all 3 Brachot that we say at Mifkad.



Someone wearing size 7 bowling shoes


Someone who’s been to Israel



Someone wearing something with a sports team on it






This is an unconventional form of bingo in which everyone has to go around the room in order to find people described on their bingo board.

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» All > Games > Jeux de présentation
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