Luz para os povos
A Light To The Nations
Grades 1-3
Goal: 1. to begin to teach the meaning of the term Or Lagoyim= the Jewish people as a nation have an obligation to act together in a way that presents the positive lessons of Judaism such as compassion, justice and charity to people who are not Jewish so the world as a whole can become a better place.
2. to teach the chaninchim/ot that by working together as a group (as a nation) one can have greater influence and impact than by acting alone Grades 4-8
Goal: to begin to teach the meaning of the term Or Lagoyim= the Jewish people have an obligation to create a society that reflects the high moral standards of truth, honesty, compassion and justice that Judaism teaches, and this society should be a model for and influence all the nations of the world.
Idade: 6-15 | 7841 Views | Vista |
A Little Too At Home...
The chanichim will recognize the powerful influence the culture we live in has on our lives, and on our values.
Idade: 14-18 | 9136 Views | Vista |
Ahavat Olam, Or Lagoyim
Imbue chanichim with pride for what Israel does around the world
Idade: 12-20 | 8426 Views | Vista |
Idade: 10-19 | 6918 Views | Vista |
Hotyavnut Vs Being Ones Self...
That the Chanichim will understand the importance of preserving and standing for our ideals and uniqueness as individuals and a nation, and see the connection to the “Mityavnim” –the Jews that assimilated with the Greeks.
Idade: 4-6 | 7036 Views | Vista |
Jews And People Of The World
To identify those areas in which we can learn from our non-Jewish teachers and acquaintances, as well as the limits we must place on our interaction with these individuals
Idade: 6-15 | 9890 Views | Vista |
Idade: 10-19 | 6069 Views | Vista |
Or Lagoyim
(1) The chanichim will discuss the different ways in which one can fulfill the role of being an Or Lagoyim.
(2) The chanichim will realize that they can affect change in the world, and will think of an Or Lagoyim project that they can implement in Camp this summer.
Idade: 12-15 | 8360 Views | Vista |
Or Lagoyim- “a Light To The Nations”
To begin to teach the meaning of the term Or lagoyim= the Jewish people as a nation have an obligation to act together in a way that presents the positive lessons of Judaism such as compassion, justice and charity (the qualities we learn from Avraham Avinu and sefer bresihit). We do this so that to make the world a better placeTo teach the chanichim/ot that by working together as a group (as a nation) one can have a greater influence and impact than by acting alone.
Idade: 6-14 | 13604 Views | Vista |
Peoula Sur Ilan Ramon
Message à transmettre : 1) Que les hanihim sortent de la peoula en sachant qui était Ilan Ramon, son histoire, sa spécificité, pourquoi il est considéré comme un héros en Israël et dans le peuple juif.
2) Faire réfléchir les hanihim sur ce qui est important pour eux, quels valeurs et objets ont une signification pour eux, qu’ils souhaiteraient garder toujours avec eux …même dans L’espace !!!
Idade: 9-16 | 7903 Views | Vista |
Plaidoyer Pour Ma Terre
Le plaidoyer de Herbert Pagani du 11 nov 1975
Idade: 10-16 | 5768 Views | Vista |
Seder--shfoch Chamatcha
To show that there are mixed messages in the haggada, the overall message being that we must have compassion for everyone in the world, even those who do not have compassion for us.
Idade: 8-12 | 9560 Views | Vista |
Links Recomendados
a collection of Jewish Resources by the Jewish Agency
pics from the Sigd
a site full of fun activities and games for all festivals. There are activities for shabbat, Birchot Hashachar, learning the alef-bet and more. You could also find a summary for this week's Parsha and colour pictures of the Parsha.