Accomplishments - Ba Members
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Objetivo de Recursos
To describe the efforts and accomplishments of Bnei Akiva members in the United States to help found the State of Israel and since- smuggling arms, demonstrating, raising money... and relate them to the efforts and beliefs of the religious chalutzim.
Recurso Conteúdo
In prior sichot we have discussed the history of the events which occurred in Pre-State Israel and the accomplishments of the chalutzim in general and the religious chalutzim in particular. At this point we want to relate the efforts expended and the accomplishments of Bnei Akiva members in America during the same time period which preceded the founding of the State of Israel. At that time, Bnei Akiva members were involved in a number of efforts. Some of these were legal, such as raising money and campaigning for the new State, and some of them were illegal, such as helping to smuggle weapons and ammunition. This same caring and involvement by Bnei Akiva members continued after the founding of the State as members would react during times of crisis in Israel by getting involved. These efforts have ranged from demonstrations at home to sending members to Israel during wars to help on the home front and much more.
The sicha should emphasize the commitment to get involved and the readiness to stand up for your beliefs.
Discuss the involvement of Bnei Akiva members in North America to the effort of establishing an independent Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael. Ask what was done and what the chanich might have done if he had been living at that time.
Set the scene, as described below, and list the options brought up by the Bnei Akiva members.
List the reasons for each option and vote on the most important way to help.
If the kvutza is in a cooperative mood: Ask who agrees with each option, divide them into groups according to options and ask them to come up with reasons for why they group should follow that option. Bring the kvutza back together to discuss the answers and record them on the enclosed form.
Project TvA
Accomplishments - BA members
Kvutza ________________________ Eda ___________ Tzrif ____________
Madrichim ________________________________________
The scene
Year 1947
Place A Saturday night meeting of Bnei Akiva members in Flatbush New York
Present 15 Bnei Akiva members - all around 18 years old
Topic What is the most important thing the kvutza can do to do to help the Jews
in Eretz Yisrael in their fight to create an independent Jewish State.
Ideas brought up for discussion Reasons
Raising money to send to Eretz Yisrael
Smuggling illegal weapons to Eretz Yisrael
Demonstrating to push the United Nations to recognize a Jewish State
Going to Israel to work on a kibbutz
Other - specify
To help create a Jewish State in Eretz Yisrael, our kvutza has decided to __________
List the names of the people who filled in the form __________________________________
Recursos relacionados pode ser encontrada em:
» Todas > Bnei Akiva > Geral» Todas > Terra de Israel > Geral
» Todas > Jogos > Jogos em grupo
» Todas > Historia > Geral
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